UPG’s Debate and Public Speaking Committee, Eloquence, began this academic
year with interesting quizzes and riddles to be solved by the participants. A
Whatsapp based game was organized on the night of 14 th August, 2020. The
game went on for one and a half hour. A welcome video of Meet Maru, the
President of Eloquence, was sent on the group before the game began.
The event was managed and organized by Khushi Shah, the Head of Events.
The rules were simple and easy to comprehend. It involved nine clues in total.
The clues were sent in a password protected PDF making it very convenient for
the participants.
The event came to an end with Meet and Khushi congratulating the winners of
the game.
There were three podiums, and each of the winner was rewarded with
discount vouchers by their gifting sponsor “somethingsketchy”.