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  • Writer's pictureAnamta Aibani

In Conversation with the E-Cell Top Core.

House of candy is filled with innumerable sweets to choose from. There are gummies, colas, licorice and everyone’s favourite marshmallows. But when you enter the store and your head is flabbergasted, confused on which one to go for, how do you make up your mind? You taste them. Similarly, our college just like a candy store is full of committees with different foundations, ideologies, aims and working environment.

One can only be certain about which one is the best for them after getting a glimpse of the committee. The inside out. Here is a peek – a – boo into how it is to be working with UPG’s Entrepreneurship cell.

Araish Bihari, Vice President of E-Cell.

Q1) To begin with why don’t you’ll tell us a little about your respective journeys with E Cell?

Divya Mehta, Dhrumi Shah and Araish Bihari have been a part of E cell for a long time. For Divya, it was a slow and disappointing beginning that turned into an unforgettable journey. For Dhrumi that bonding and informal sessions came as a surprise and for Araish who isn’t from a business background learnt how to handle responsibilities with grace

Q2) How would you describe your committee and I’m not talking about textbook definitions, what does it mean to you?

An experience you should have” – Araish. A platform where you learn and grow is what E cell is all about. It doesn’t matter if you come from a business background or not, if you’re someone who is looking to develop entrepreneurship skills, this is the place for you. E – cell shapes you, enhances your skills and transforms you into better individuals

Dhrumi Shah, Vice President of E-Cell.

Q3) So how has it been working with each other? How is this bond? is it all light and games or are you all believers that a little competition doesn’t kill?

The best of all I could get” – Divya Mehta. On one hand, we had Divya speak all gold and roses about his Vice Presidents and on the other, we saw a little difference of opinion between Araish and Dhrumi. The former stating that there is no need for competition and that they’re all a unit. However, the latter added by saying that there is competition everywhere.

Q4) What is your committee motto? What motivates you?

As the E cell tag line ` Inspire. Achieve. Lead.’ suggests that they are a committee that wants to inspire its members to achieve today and lead tomorrow.

Q5) How is this years E cell going to be different from last year?

There are great things planned for this committee year that will hopefully be executed well” – Dhrumi. The biggest difference is the lockdown itself. However, adapt and upgrade are the words that they stand by.

Q6) Your flagship event Bazaar e UPG has always been a major talk in the corridors. Do you guys think you’ll be able to live up to people’s expectations this committee year especially given the circumstances or will your buyer fans and entrepreneurs will be left disappointed?

Hope. Such a small yet powerful word. The fate of this year’s Bazaar E UPG is most definitely hanging by a thread. The team hopes that everything will get better soon, but what if it doesn’t? One may or may not be able to witness another successful year of budding entrepreneurs. However, we have been assured that E cell has some interesting events lined up and we can’t wait.

Q7) You had your first event very recently, didn’t you? Why don’t you tell our readers what the event was all about? And what was the whole experience like?

E Cell’s matchmaking inspired by the Netflix show Indian matchmaking was a fun take on Mix N Match of brands together to form a new product. From coming up with Parle G pancakes to some designing their very own logos, everyone was very enthusiastic throughout the event.

Q8) Talking about current scenarios, there has been a drastic shift in the way things work these days. Are you disappointed that maybe you’d miss out on a whole part of running the show experience since it would lack physical touch? Or are you excited about this new challenge ahead of you?

When it comes to how one feels about the lockdown it sure is like a bag of assorted nuts filled with disappointment as nothing can substitute the physical experience of attending meetings, having bonding sessions, breaking the ice and running errands last minute, positivity because it gives one an opportunity to expand their reach through digital events and excitement for the virtual challenges that come in the way. As Dhrumi rightly said, “ Who doesn’t like challenges?

Q9) What kind of a person should apply to be a part of E cell and what aspects would you consider in a potential member?

The beauty of entrepreneurship is that you can be one irrespective of your stream or background. If you make films, you might want to establish your own production house one day and that makes you an entrepreneur. Hence, anyone who wishes to develop personal or professional skills, has the dedication and the hunger to learn new things and would like to spend 3 years of college life with a dollop of fun, E cell is the place for you.

Divya Mehta, President of E-Cell.

Q10) We have witnessed several budding, young and passionate individuals step up and follow their dreams. So many of them very bravely have started their own small businesses. Well, as a huge part of an entrepreneurship cell, what would you all like to say to them?

Divya says, “If you believe in an idea there’s nothing that can stop you from achieving it“ Don’t stop believing in yourself and learn from every step of the way are things not only entrepreneurs but everyone should implement in life. Especially in times like these, hope, faith and the ability to accept your decisions and learn from them is what will keep us going

Q11) How would you describe your journey with E Cell in one sentence? Araish – “A journey of not linear but exponential growth

Divya – “A journey that has developed my personality and made me, me” Dhrumi – “A magical experience

From personal stories and equations to what it’s like to be a part of UPG’s E cell. You now, know it all.

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