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  • Writer's pictureAastha Verma

Beauty of Inevitability

Fear of change and overcoming it, or maybe not?

“Change is inevitable.” Being ‘constant’ doesn’t make ‘change’ any less scary, does it?

To some, change is a gently flowing river but to some, a flood. Nevertheless, did you know that the human mind is wired to fear change and that this fear has a long evolutionary history dating back to prehistoric times?

When Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist was asked about this, she said that routine and consistency are ingrained into our brains and that our forefathers liked constancy because they intuitively sensed that change frequently meant lack of protection. Think about it, why do we have comfort movies, comfort scents, and comfort foods? If change is inevitable and for our greater good, why does sticking to familiar objects and emotions feel safer and more comfortable?

We find comfort in familiarity as our brains are programmed to initially dislike any new stimuli. Similarly, any sudden changes in our routine or choices can make us feel negatively about it. It is almost like your brain chooses stagnancy over uncertain outcomes. Another major reason that makes humans fear change is- loss of control. Loss of control over situations, people, their own emotions, and their plans. We fear change because we feel confined to a supporting role: no longer a player in the field.

One thing everybody should realise is that it is completely fine to sit on the bleachers and watch the game go on, as long as you keep in mind that you’re a player as well. Familiarity is comforting but comfort doesn’t always breed growth. Even when you are standing still, life is constantly out of your control. Wait for the outcome to play out but remember growth itself is a word that demands a person to keep moving forward. Yes, change is inevitable but do you know what the best part is? Even though our brains may be wired to resist it, we’ve been doing it ever since we were born, and to be honest, we’re terrifically good at it.

Change might not always bring comfort along with it, but it always brings a good deal of experiences. Instead, this fear of change can act as a catalyst in your journey towards evolution, a necessity for us. If you start seeing change as a pleasure in itself, as something that brings new learnings and growth, whether it is self-initiated or not, that is when you enjoy change.

Often, we come across social media posts that tell us to force ourselves out of our comfort zones to grow, but that isn’t the only way. Change can be messy and complicated, however, it can also develop you into a nuanced and robust human being, who will not just survive, but thrive in the face of life's challenges. You can look at change fearlessly in the eye while holding your comfort soft toy in your hands.

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548 chem Abdullah Qureshi
548 chem Abdullah Qureshi
Jul 27, 2022

amazing 🔥💙

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