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Dream Weddings

Alok Parekh

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

Marriage, the one word that brings with itself several emotions: joy, several moments of anger, criticism, complaints, and whatnot! It is just that feeling which turns somniacs and hyper-somniacs into insomniacs a few nights prior. Introverts have to leave their rooms, acknowledge visitors; the

worst part being that those unwanted guests have to be spoken to. People just have to carry their fake, not so fake, smiles to greet everybody, willingly or unwillingly. However, some of the best family moments are captured during this time and are reminisced throughout the lifetime. But don’t you think that with time, ways in which wedding functions were held have been altered completely?

It’s sometime before 2020 and it is your wedding function. You are completely full of beans with all the upcoming Sangeet, Roka, Wedding, and Reception ceremonies. You just want to make the best out of this all-time function. You want to make your wedding the most memorable within the entire family – maternal as well as paternal. You want a grandiose and swanky destination wedding somewhere in a palace in your closely-knit country. You have decided the wedding theme to be that of your favorite show; decoration, outfits, photographers and videographers, music, everything is just happening like you wanted it to happen.

It's finally your wedding day, and your guests have reached the destination. Chairs and sofas have been properly arranged. You can see kids running around the hallway, playing games, causing a lot of chaos. It is just this time when you can’t say anything, they are your relatives’ kids after all, and you

don’t at all want to get yelled at by your parents, especially on such an important day. You can see the long line of families waiting to get pictures clicked with you, the newly wed couple. You are silently waiting for all the gifts that you are going to get and a completely new chapter in the book of

your life.

This was the story of every single wedding until we were cursed with the Novel Coronavirus. It brought along with it many restrictions in social gatherings, several phases of lockdowns, and the respective unlocks all over the world. Weddings are restricted to inviting only a small number of

people where you cannot even include your whole family (obviously inviting your friends and other relatives is something that is far away from being included in your invitees list). Prestigious functions like marriages are also being held with restrictions that are not even imposed by you or your family. It hurts, right?

However, the good aspect is that there will be a lesser number of people being invited to your wedding. The cost is cut down rapidly with a minimal amount of food being wasted unlike the old times when kilos and kilos of food used to get wasted in most of the weddings. After all, with everything bad comes something really good that we rarely tend to notice due to the despondency we carry in our minds.

Hereby, we have seen the destination weddings, the covid-restricted marriages, now what comes next?

If people continue to understand about saving the environment and avoid wasting food, the day is not very far when we will start to have a thing for court marriages. No huge functions, not inviting a large chunk of guests. Neither having to wait in long queues for the bride and groom to click a picture with you, nor letting others waiting at your wedding. Isn’t it really amazing to just think about a world where you don’t have to worry about all the hair fall that comes along with all the stress and tension to properly manage each and every function of your wedding? Introverts would be the happiest to stay in their rooms while not being forced to take out their precious alone time for all the unwanted guests. You will not have to keep on yelling at the wedding planners for doing things on time and you won’t have to keep on calling people to bring those huge garlands of flowers to be hung outside your house covering the beautiful view of streets and your favorite luxury cars that pass by your house daily.

Time has changed and broken down several different trends and as we all know, it will never stop. It will just continue to make us change things according to what it wants. It will never stop for us, nor will it slow down. So it is just better that we adapt ourselves to the new-normal and start living with these changes. For once, it feels so good to have prioritized our surroundings and environment over ourselves and our happiness.



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