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An Introvert’s Journey Through The Pandemic

Jinali Mehta & Juhi Manjrekar

They say, expect the unexpected, but I would've never imagined an entire year to go online. As an introvert, it was kind of a relief because I wouldn’t have to drag myself and take part in awkward conversations but at the same time, how will I make new friends if all I know about them are their Instagram names?

This pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health and trying to be in contact with existing friends also seems like a stretch. One had to ask about each other’s whereabouts through video calls and social media only. During the start, there came trendy apps and games that made the distance feel less, and we stayed connected through them. Remember HouseParty and Ludo or how we phoned our friend just to hear their voice? Getting used to the ‘new normal’, I thought would I even meet new people this year? With more than six months into the lockdown, we had forgotten about the interaction and efforts that take place in making new friends, and with everything online, how could one truly know a person? Friendships had never been easy but had it always been this hard? After a lot of overthinking, I decided to step out of my comfort zone a little and tried talking to people around me. I started finding a common ground to talk to new people and it was quite intriguing to know their opinions or views on things. One positive thing that came out was how it was easier to talk online because you can write down your thoughts easily and if you cannot think of a response then an instant reaction is not expected. Memes, GIFs, and stickers were a new mode of conversation that helps connect better with each other. I didn’t realize how quickly I was meeting new people and having healthy and smooth conversations with them. Part of it is because I’ve always been comfortable behind the screen rather than in real-life interactions.

The traditional way of making friends had been replaced by a modern version that was simpler and avoided chaos. The online world made me feel like I was in my comfort zone, the apprehension of interacting with new people has taken a back seat in my life. Being an introvert, it was always a relief not having to make small talk or carry the conversation. There were no awkward interactions with classmates, the embarrassment we felt when we accidentally sat in a seat that was already taken, but a little part of me missed the initial awkwardness, the joy after making your first friend in college was lost somewhere in the world of Netflix parties and WhatsApp groups. The “may I come in” while entering late in the class was replaced with permissions to enter zoom meetings and the bewildered mind when your friend was absent was replaced with catching up on chats.

It was always a treat to meet a fellow introvert and then high-fiving them over shared interests and embarrassments. As an FY student, we always looked forward to attending the first committee meeting while sitting in the hallways, nonetheless, the zoom calls compensated for the missed meets and made it easier to make new friends. The pandemic did put us in a difficult place, but on the bright side, it also made us value what we once took for granted. Not meeting my handful of friends for not days but months made me cherish their presence when we finally met. Of course, my heart will still fill with anticipation when I finally meet the friend or friends we spent time talking to on zoom calls and Instagram DMs, with the fear that I cannot reply to them with memes to get rid of the awkwardness but then laughing over it as time goes by. The one thing I realized is that the online and the offline worlds both have their pros and cons, the technology helping us connect with people through social media while helping us realize the importance of physical interactions.

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1 comentario

Resham Mehta
Resham Mehta
27 feb 2021

Well written article!😄

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