Food, on the surface, is mostly assumed to be just something we
consume to satiate our hunger. But when looked closely, it is more than
that. Food brings people together. Cultures are formed on the basis of
food. We bond with people by sharing meals with them. Some of our
fondest memories with people have a food item associated with it. Which
is why a canteen is more than just a place you buy food in a college.
When it comes to UPG, you have three different places to choose from.
This is of course, excluding all the amazing roadside stalls. Where you
choose to go says a lot about the person you are. So here, you’ll find the
distinction between the three canteens, based on the experiences there.
The Ground Floor Canteen:
The reasons to go here are 20% of the food and 80% socializing. This is a
common canteen for all colleges of SVKM, which means you will always
see something new and interesting happening here. The huge menu
spanning multiple walls is one attraction, while different faces every day
is another. Some people occupy the same tables every day, so you’ll
know where to find the college festival team or drama team simply by
the table they sit at every day. This is the place where the amount of ₹5
doesn’t exist. Instead, you are handed a chocolate candy for the same.
You’ll find everything right from fries to a traditional homely lunch, from
friends to rivals, from creating memories to nostalgia. You’re lucky if you
get to experience the bustling vibe of this canteen, just find a table first.
8th Floor NMIMS Canteen:

There was a rumor that this canteen was going to be shut to students
from other colleges. This created havoc and panic amongst the
students. This is a rather elite canteen, with salads and fancy
sandwiches. The DPC here is well known throughout (what that is, I’ll
leave you to figure out for yourself). Students are constantly milling
about this place, mainly due to the lack of sitting arrangements. Spotting this canteen is easy. Wherever there’s a crowd on the 8th floor, there it is. Also, don’t forget to check out their Cheese Chilli Sandwich, my life
hasn’t been the same since I’ve had that.
8th Floor Canteen (The Hidden Gem):
A lot of students discover this canteen later on. Although in an open view, it
falls in the Mithibai building rather than the UPG one. It is a combination
of the two canteens mentioned in the beginning; a bit of the traditional
menu and a bit of the cafe style. Although the other two canteens win in
terms of taste, this one comes a close second. It however comes first
when it comes to reasonable rates. And space to mill about, of course,
there’s plenty.
Choose your canteen according to your mood and taste, the memories
will follow regardless.
so good