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The Busy Bee

'Aastha Agarwal

What is your definition of a luxury and high-class lifestyle?

As with all aspects of life, nothing is ever constant. Likewise, the definition of luxury and status has changed a lot over the past few decades. Previously, having a lot of wealth, leisure time, and going on lavish vacations was a sign of success but not anymore. Today complaining about being ridiculously busy is a sign of status and success - a humblebrag even.

In 1899, Thorstein Veblen, an economist, and sociologist in his book The Theory of the Leisure Class proposes that high status is defined by its lack of productive activity and its commitment to demonstrations of idleness.

However, these days overworking and boasting about not having any leisure time has become the new status symbol according to a study published in the Journal of Consumer research by Harvard researchers.

Research findings suggest that Americans believe in the concept of “social mobility” – meaning people can move up or down the status ladder based on individual effort. Moreover, when a person states that they are busy they are subtly conveying their importance and value as human capital.

Many of us confuse being “busy” with being productive, or efficient which is why some people prefer to be “busy” in tasks that hold no importance just out of fear of being idle. People also tend to think being busy makes them better and more important than people who are spending their time leisurely.

Some people have also started believing that being busy and feeling worthy go hand in hand. Christian Cruz, a life coach who specializes in perfectionism, anxiety, depression, and body image states that the desire to stay and appear busy can also occur in pursuit of self-worth. She says, “Being busy can imply that you are wanted, needed, valued and worthy.

A busy and workaholic lifestyle is not something to admire. Take time to reflect on what your work being busy means to you and don’t go around in mindless pursuit of busyness. The work you choose to do should fulfil you and make your life stronger and better–not just busier and stressful


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