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Our Safe Space

Writer: Juhi ManjrekarJuhi Manjrekar

Updated: Oct 22, 2020

“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” -Maya Angelou

Home - a word often described as a house by many of us holding a completely different meaning in reality. A house is merely four walls and some furniture, but it becomes a home when the same four walls and the furniture hold an entity of its own. Home is a haven where you find the freedom that is found nowhere else. Ethereal relief is what you feel when you just lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling after a long workday, trying to get rid of all the exhaustion.

The value of a home is not measured by size. You could live in a hut and still feel safer than any other luxurious form of shelter.

We all have our little corners at home that are special to us. The nights spent sitting at the window, staring at the delicate clouds, looking upon the dreary world from your little bubble of tranquility, is what home feels like. We are always trying to look for a great escape, a getaway from home, but sometimes home can be a getaway in itself.

There comes a time where all we want is to leave our homes behind and start a new life in an unknown city or country. We find a new home far away from home. The feeling of being lost in a new place is when we start feeling homesick, longing for the sense of contentment that no place other than the home can fulfill. Have you ever been to a place that you did not like, and just wanted to get home as soon as possible? That is the warmth that our home provides for us; home is the only place where all judgments cease to exist, where the façade and the walls put up for the outside world dissociates, and all we are left with are the walls of comfort and peace.

Every nook in this piece of land holds a special memory. The coffee stains on the window sill from the time when you enjoyed the view of the pouring rain while watching the raindrops race each other on the window panes; the art exhibited on the dining table and wallpapers when books were mere pages, too dull to showcase your artistic strokes. The walls reverberate with laughs in your happy hours and the table where you never fail to stub your toe; every little thing in the house reminds us of something that may now be a distinct memory.

One of the most dreaded moments is when you have to leave your home to move into an unknown place. A new place does automatically become your home, but it definitely brings opportunities to find new corners to read at and a new view to wake up to.

We all are tired of staying at home during this pandemic, being stuck in the same surroundings for an endless number of hours, but all this time, we have failed to notice that the walls that haunt us 24/7 also protect us from the horrors of the outside world. Being at home may feel like a burden since it is no less than a confinement zone for the past few months, but all we need to do is enjoy the time we have left in our cocoon before we are ready to get back to the real world.


Yuwin nadar
Yuwin nadar
Oct 22, 2020



Oct 22, 2020


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