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Most Crushes are like Viruses, most: A Satire on COVID-19

Writer: Anukriti SharmaAnukriti Sharma

2020 began with way too many expectations and a year to redeem the losses of 2019 *coughs*. As Dwight K Schrute would say, the world needed a new plague and just then the Skecherz song went viral on Tik-Tok. Spoke too soon? Well, wait for it. In March, there was a sudden shift in the air and rumour has it, Drake already knew it was God’s Plan. Now, generally people would say that love is in the air but this was more fatal. I’m talking about insane popularity. This song in the air was more famous than Kylie Jenner and made headlines for all the wrong reasons. So, I’d say it is the next Kardashian or a close competition to Virushka’s baby.

By June, it had taken over the world by storm but was more like the bad guys who didn’t care. Now, I’d assume by the destructive headlines that it was male by default. He had his own fandom that favoured the politicians well, an army so fascist that K-pop fans had competition. He had already put BATman’s business on a standstill and now was in progress to sign a Dharma movie. I haven’t seen him yet but peoples’ vivid descriptions were enough to spark my curiosity. I’m guessing he’ll be on the cover of Vogue soon, so the world can finally see his colors (highly photoshopped and perfect of course). He had a John Cena side to him. I wanted to find out everything.

Now I know he’s a bad guy but look on the bright side, he made McDonalds and Burger King friends and the world seems to be lovin’ it. Exams got cancelled, well, most of them. Let’s not blame him. Everything is mostly his fan’s fault. They are mostly hypocrites with a mob mentality, the ones who hog Hakka Noodles and ban Chinese products. But like I said, he doesn’t care.

He sparked the bakers, painters, chefs and designers to meet their highest potentials. It was all him! and yes, I’m very intimidated. But no one can know. The whispers get louder… you know how people can be, they snack on gossip and rumors for lunch. My guilty pleasure of bedtime stalking still continues but I’m careful not to drop a like on any of his pictures. People can’t know I’m just one of those girls who fall for the bad guy.

It’s been nearly six months now. My daydreaming hours went on wild spins on how he’d ask me for a date, I’d apply my best scented sanitizer and not to forget wearing protection, secured firmly over the nostrils. But something’s vaguely wrong. I don’t think he knows I exist. And just the thought that he genuinely doesn’t bother gives me nightmares. His fans have been awfully sneaky and quiet. I don’t see many headlines of him. I’d say his publicists might have gotten better meat to feast on. On the outside I’m fine. But in my head, I’m writing breakup songs like Taylor Swift would.

By the way, the new guy! Timothee Chalamet is it? Woaaah… I feel a shift in the air!


Sep 23, 2020



Sep 23, 2020

this is really nice

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